Interaction entre liens Sociaux et Systèmes d’incitation
This article presents a study of the differences within social ties. In addition to it, I also want to bring some new perspectives to the different types of social ties by using my econometric and statistical knowledge. I studied the data from China and France to give an international perspective. I largely used the regressions to decide the important factors with software SAS. I used the software SPHINX to observe the relations between the factors. I also did tests with software R to define the different relations. According to the analysis, the results from both sets of data coincide with my hypothesis, and I found the answer of my question: 5 similarities between the employees form a positive relationship, which stimulates the productivity and the efficiency. All the analysis leads to the basis for a procedure to implement a positive relation in the teamwork. Keywords: Social Ties, Similarity, Positive Relation, Productivity and Efficiency
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Interaction_entre les liens sociaux et systèmes d’incitation